Studio Notes

Childhood Memories Influence Artwork
As I child and into my adulthood I was a sewer. It all started when I joined the 4H Club when I was ten. I remember my first project being...
Childhood Memories Influence Artwork
As I child and into my adulthood I was a sewer. It all started when I joined the 4H Club when I was ten. I remember my first project being...

Finding Calm in a Noisy World
For me creating is about managing stress and finding calm in a noisy world.. Painting does this and that is why we need to paint often. I try to create...
Finding Calm in a Noisy World
For me creating is about managing stress and finding calm in a noisy world.. Painting does this and that is why we need to paint often. I try to create...

Connecting with a Painting
When I delivered the painting and explained to her the writing in the initial layers of the painting was about being yourself, standing out from the crowd, and I had...
Connecting with a Painting
When I delivered the painting and explained to her the writing in the initial layers of the painting was about being yourself, standing out from the crowd, and I had...

Something New from Something Old
Do you have clothes that are like old friends? That was the case with my painting jeans! I wore them for years until they became shabby and I dedicated them...
Something New from Something Old
Do you have clothes that are like old friends? That was the case with my painting jeans! I wore them for years until they became shabby and I dedicated them...

Putting Yourself in a Box.
You often hear people say "think outside of the box"! For artists it can be helpful to put yourself in a box. Limiting what you use is a useful way...
Putting Yourself in a Box.
You often hear people say "think outside of the box"! For artists it can be helpful to put yourself in a box. Limiting what you use is a useful way...

Creating a Daily Painting Habit
Showing up isn't always easy. Do you wait until you are in the mood? Maybe you are a binge creator who shows up and feel like you have forgotten how...
Creating a Daily Painting Habit
Showing up isn't always easy. Do you wait until you are in the mood? Maybe you are a binge creator who shows up and feel like you have forgotten how...