Showing up isn't always easy. Do you wait until you are in the mood? Maybe you are a binge creator who shows up and feel like you have forgotten how to paint. Or perhaps you are the workshop junkie who creates at the workshop and then falls off the wagon shortly after.
Do you ever feel too tired to show up? Is this a procrastination tactic? If you are tired rest. Don’t fill your tired time with doing something else like watching Netflix or scrolling through social media. Go to your studio! Nine times out of ten you will feel fine and even energized.
Some artists experience artist's block and say they can’t show up. Another procrastination tactic? The muse isn’t going to show up unless you do!
If you are having trouble showing up or have a block perhaps some coaching around it could get you over the slump.
Do you use the excuse you don't have a two or three hour block of time? I challenge you to change your mindset and start doing twenty minute paintings or sketches.
Here are some tips that might help you;
- Have a set daily time when you show up
- Schedule it into your day or week
- Don’t expect results - think of it as practice
- Try a different medium or technique if you feel bored
- Try emulating a painter you admire if you feel stuck
- Clean your space - you will have better focus if you are organized
- Limit you palette to a primary palette plus black and white
- Allow yourself to play!
- Make a commitment to paint for twenty minutes a day
- Change your mindset about not having enough time
- Pick a standard size of substrate
- Work in a sketchbook
- Have a designated space if you can. If not put everything in a basket or box that is easily accessible.
- Do a time edit audit to see where you are wasting time
- Get an accountability partner
- Join a painting group to stay motivated
We need to be creative - now more than ever.
Feed your soul! It will thank you!