Behind the Scenes of an Art Exhibition

Behind the Scenes of an Art Exhibition

Last week I hung my exhibition at the Metchosin Art Pod, It is not a large exhibition but it is all newly created work in cold wax and oil paint. Creating the work is the enjoyable part for me as I am sure holds true for most artists. 

After the art is created there are several tasks to do before delivering and installing the show. 

Cold wax and oil paintings don’t require varnish but they do need to be dry! This means no last minute painting that I have been known to do with acrylics!

The paintings have to be dry to touch to be able to put on the hanging hardware. Drying takes three to five days. 

I painted all the edges of the panels a soft grey that worked with all the artwork. 

I assign an inventory number to each work, document my name, title, mediums, and size on the back of the painting. 

Before the paintings get out of my site I capture a high resolution image. I edit the photo in photoshop cropping it clean to the edges of the painting, and rename the file with my naming convention. 

Then there is the printing of labels, packaging up the art to transport and putting it all in the inventory management system - Artwork Archive - I use to keep track of all the coming and going of my work. I couldn’t live with out this!

Now we are ready to deliver the work to the gallery and in this case install it. 

In order to purchase any work from the show please contact the Metchosin Art Pod directly. 

Any remaining work will be put on my website in September. 

To view all of the work visit the viewing room  here.   



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Your use of soft gray to do all the edges is very nice.

Mary Rouse

Your works are interesting & pleasing to my eye

Sandra Odell

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